One:One Sessions

1:1 Breathwork Healing session






It is a combination of coaching, breathwork, and energy work.

In the session, we discuss about your situation and what healing or shifts you'd like to experience through the process. This first part of the session is to prepare you for the healing you are ready to receive. It is indeed a very important aspect of the session.  You will dig deep to discuss  what is happening in your life currently as it will help you to understand if there are any mental, physical or energetic blocks, fears, resistance, addictions, and other heavy emotions that may be keeping you stuck.  Then it will be addressed, healed and released during the session.
Then you'll move into the breathing part. During this state, as you breathe, you will be guided and supported through a powerful and life-changing breathing practice and meditation to music in moving the blocked energy out and claiming in a new attunement to what it is that you're wanting to experience in your life.  
(check difference between Life Scripting Breathwork & Proactive Breath Bodywork)
After the breathing, you will have some time at the end for integration in and how you can embrace yourself moving forward. 
I help you tap into your innate intuition to bring out all of the brilliance, power, and clarity that is already inside of you.
Compared to group sessions the private experience is attuned and customized to your specific situation and needs.

1:1 Breathwork session can be done IN PERSON or ONLINE via Zoom from the comfort of your own home. If you’re doing it from home, make sure to have a quiet space to lie down where you won’t be disturbed. Have a blanket, small pillow, and eye mask if possible.

Feel free to also include Sage, Palo Santo and essential oils, It’s best to use your computer rather than a phone.

Home visits are also available upon request.

Fees vary depending upon type of session, length of session and the duration of the partnership

 1:1 Coaching session

We will work together to set goals and develop action steps to help you achieve them. 
The life you want is inside you, unlock it.
Overcome an Issue
Improve Performance
It revolves around sharing experiences and knowledge around specific topics or areas, showing how to best approach different situations, and laying out the steps that should be used when executing the task.
In this process, YOU are the expert on you and your life. 
what we are here for.
where we want to end up.
In return, I help you tap into your innate intuition to bring out all of the brilliance, power, and clarity that is already inside of you.
A life by your design is at your fingertips. Our work is in eliminating the stops and stucks that are getting in your way.
Sessions are 60 minutes long, held virtually or via phone, and occur 3-4x per month based on your specific needs.

Define goals and visions for your life and leadership, designed in a way to push and inspire your next level.

Gain clarity on thought patterns and behaviors that hold you back from being the powerful leader that you are.

Create new ways to express your leadership in the world, and see that impact both your professional and personal life.

Be seen and heard in ways you possibly never have before, and learn how to project the way you want to be seen and heard by others.

Leave each session with personalized actions and practices to move you towards your goals.
Each session can be profound for many. The session is timing vary from 30 - 60 minutes. 

Fees vary depending upon type of session, length of session and the duration of the partnership

Book your 30-minute coaching session
If you'd like to do a private session, purchase it here and you will be reached out  for scheduling. you get all the support!
  ** Calendly link will be emailed to you after purchase to choose your time (M-F) **
During sessions we will monitor your breathing, and use hands-on acupressure, sound, movement and coaching to correct any ineffective or constricted patterns.

When breathing is full, open and connected, “activation” occurs creating a high vibrational frequency in the body. This allows lower vibrational energy that is held in our cellular memory (such as repressed feelings, unpleasant memories, birth trauma and any other negativity in the subconscious) to be permanently transformed into a higher vibrational energy.

 You may feel some physical and emotional sensations as a result of this integration but as we clear the subconscious we move forward with clarity, joy and ease.

Sessions last on average 90mins but can be adapted to fit schedules

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